Am I Triggered? Or Is This a Reasonable Reaction?
Learning how to tell if you're triggered by the past can be life changing. Imagine having a reaction, but KNOWING it's not about what's happening in that moment, and actually the past replaying itself. That's powerful stuff.
If I had a dollar for every time I heard this question asked in the therapy room, I'd definitely be able to get a family meal at McDonalds with frozen cokes AND ice creams.
We all experience big feelings sometimes—it's part of being human. But how do we know if a response is coming from our healthiest, most grounded self or if it’s being driven by past wounds? It can be really hard to tell, because trauma responses can feel VERY real. But - being able to figure out the difference can be life-changing, allowing us to step back and make conscious choices rather than reacting on autopilot (and replaying our wounds rather than healing them).
How To Tell If You're Triggered
Here are a few questions you can ask yourself when you're unsure if your reaction is simply a response to your current situation, or if past trauma is influencing your thoughts and behaviour:
🔹 Does your reaction feel bigger than the situation calls for? If your response is more intense than would usually be expected, your past may be playing a role.
🔹 Would others see this as a reasonable response? If you’re unsure, it can help to think about how a healthy, grounded person might handle the same situation.
🔹 Does your reaction feel child-like? When past trauma is activated, we re-experience past feelings as if they are happening now. If your reaction feels young, it could be a sign you’re triggered.
Triggers can sneak up on us, hijacking our feelings and thoughts before we even realise what’s happening. Learning to recognise them is the first step toward taking back control.
Find this helpful? Our “Am I Triggered?” Checklist goes into even more detail to help you determine whether you are triggered or responding reasonably.