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Trauma Therapy Adelaide

Therapists who seriously know trauma and can really help you heal.

Trauma Therapy Adelaide

Our clinicians are highly trained and experienced in working with clients who suffer trauma, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Complex Trauma (C-PTSD). We are dedicated to and extremely passionate about this work, and pride ourselves on our advanced knowledge and experience in these areas. So, if you are looking for trauma therapy in Adelaide (or anywhere in Aus!), you're well and truly in the right place. Click here to learn more about our trauma therapists.

It's important to understand that trauma refers to how your brain and body process an event - not the event itself. This means that any experience can be processed by your body as a trauma, even if it doesn't fit with what we might normally consider a stereotypical traumatic event, such as a car accident or being a victim of a crime. In fact, from our experience many clients presenting with symptoms of trauma have not been through these stereotypical experiences!

Common non-stereotypical experiences that can trigger trauma and PTSD symptoms include:

  • A relationship breakup

  • Relationship betrayal

  • A situation that is extremely embarrassing/public shaming

  • Experiences where we feel very scared/threatened (e.g., being yelled/screamed at by someone)

  • Being in a relationship/friendship with someone who has very unpredictable/rapidly changing moods

Technically, PTSD refers to a single incident; but in our experience, many people who have experienced trauma have not just experienced a single event. This is where complex trauma (or C-PTSD) enters the chat, and it's a whole other kettle of fish.

The mental health community actually doesn't have a clear definition of complex trauma, because, unlike PTSD, it isn't an official diagnosis (yes, we agree it should be!). As a general definition, C-PTSD refers to the broad range of psychological and physiological symptoms that can occur after experiencing a range of repeated traumatic experiences over a long period of time. 

Complex trauma is very complicated and the possible symptoms are extensive.

Some examples of C-PTSD symptoms include:

  • 'people-pleasing' behaviour/difficulty saying no (otherwise known as social fawning)

  • difficulties managing anger (going from 0-100 despite your best efforts)

  • feeling like you aren't your authentic/true self, or you don't know who your true self is

  • feeling like you have multiple personalities or a 'jekyll and hyde' situation

  • having difficulty connecting with your feelings OR the opposite, regularly feeling emotionally overwhelmed 

  • not understanding what you are feeling or why

  • chronic feelings of worthlessness or that you are just not good enough

  • having plenty of empathy/understanding for others and none/very little for yourself

  • being very critical and harsh towards yourself  (e.g., calling yourself nasty names, frequently getting angry at yourself)

  • being very emotionally invalidating towards yourself  (e.g., telling yourself you're being dramatic or you "shouldn't feel that way")

How We Can Help

We use a combination of scientifically-supported therapeutic approaches based upon your unique needs. 

If applicable, we will use Eye-Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR), a gold-standard trauma therapy endorsed by the World Health Organisation and Australian Federal Government.


Learn more about EMDR here.

We also combine EMDR with a range of other therapeutic interventions and approaches for maximum effectiveness, particularly for clients who have more complex trauma presentations. These include:

  • Schema Therapy

  • Mindfulness

  • Internal Family Systems Therapy (and other 'parts' approaches)

  • Acceptance and Commitment Therapy

  • Compassion-Focussed Therapy

  • Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy

  • Dialectical-Behavioural Therapy

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