Adelaide EMDR Consultation
EMDR is a sophisticated therapy, and no, it's not just you - it can be complicated to implement effectively! Whether you are seeking support in use of EMDR as an adjunct to your regular therapy, or delivery of EMDR as a comprehensive psychotherapeutic treatment approach, Helen can assist. Helen provides personalized EMDR consultation services in Adelaide (and Australia-wide), offering practical advice and strategies tailored to your specific needs. Whether you aim to refine your EMDR skills or seek guidance on complex cases, Helen’s consultations are designed to support and elevate your practice.
Helen is accredited by the EMDR-Association of Australia (EMDRAA) as both an EMDR practitioner and EMDR consultant. She is highly experienced and knowledgeable in the delivery of EMDR therapy and application of EMDR therapy with a broad variety of presentations (PTSD and beyond). Helen has also completed extensive, advanced training in working with complex cases including complex trauma, dissociation and dissociative disorders. Alongside case consultation, Helen's EMDR consultation services are approved by EMDRAA to support EMDR therapists to obtain official accreditation as practitioners of, and consultants for, EMDR therapy.
Common EMDR Difficulties
Effective assessment, target selection and treatment planning and organisation with complex presentations
Avoiding over-complication or under-complication of cases
Accurate identification of positive and negative cognitions
Knowing when NOT to 'stay out of the way', and how to intervene effectively
Curating effective cognitive interweaves
Identifying the missing, and needed, adaptive information for the target memory/problem (and developing an elegant interweave to match!)
Identifying clinically relevant (emphasis on RELEVANT - all trauma involves dissociation, not all dissociation requires specific attention) dissociative symptoms and responding effectively
Effective trouble-shooting and responses for when processing is getting stuck
Knowing how, and in what situations, to amend the standard protocol
Consultation can help you with all of the above, and much more.