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What is EMDR?

Eye-Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR) is an evidence-based therapy for the treatment of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).


EMDR therapy is one of the most well researched trauma treatment approaches. Due to the extensive research findings on the effectiveness of EMDR, it has been afforded the status of being a ‘Level One’ treatment option for PTSD; This means EMDR possesses the highest rating of scientific evidence available. The World Health Organisation endorses EMDR for the treatment of PTSD, and EMDR has been approved by the Australian Federal Government as an evidence-based treatment for PTSD.

Generally in life, we will go through challenging experiences, but most of the time our brains are able to process and integrate things in a healthy way. When we experience a trauma, this information processing system breaks down, causing the experience to get stuck.


Symptoms of 'stuck' memories include uncomfortable body sensations (sick/heavy stomach, a tight chest, racing heart), nightmares, intrusive thoughts/images about the experience, strong emotions related to the experience (e.g., anger, panic, sadness, regret and guilt) and negative beliefs about the experience (e.g., "I'm not good enough", "I did something wrong", "I should have done something", "I am powerless"). EMDR therapy un-sticks the experience, enabling healthy memory processing so it no longer causes us problems.

 It's important to know that trauma is not just the big events - anything can cause trauma. For example, if you have been betrayed in a previous relationship, and then when entering a new one, become crippled with fears of your new partner being unfaithful. This is a trauma - the pain of the past is felt in the present. 


Just to clarify - yes, it IS possible not to feel trauma symptoms anymore. This often comes us as a surprise to many, as trauma and PTSD are often viewed as lifetime conditions that we just have to live or deal with. This is absolutely not true and there is hope for healing.


We cannot change the facts of the past, but we can change how the past exists within you in the present, freeing you from the grip of traumatic experiences. Many clients report feeling physically lighter after EMDR, as if a weight has lifted - the heaviness of old wounds are processed and released, for good. EMDR can help leave the past in the past, freeing your present and future.

How does EMDR work?

This is a video from the EMDR association of Australia video explaining what EMDR is, why it works, and how EMDR can help you heal from trauma.

EMDR via Telehealth

We are extremely serious about providing high quality services, and we have invested in our online infastructure to ensure your online therapy experience is second to none. EMDR can be safely and effectively conducted online, meaning you can access high quality, evidence-based trauma treatment from the comfort of your own space, without the need for travel or parking. For online EMDR, we use 'RemotEMDR', a dedicated online EMDR service that integrates seamlessly and securely with Zoom.

We note that online therapy is not appropriate for every client. Suitability factors will be determined by your therapist in a thorough initial assessment where your individual needs are considered.

Is Your EMDR Therapist Accredited?

In Australia there are different levels of training EMDR therapists can have.


The most basic level of training required to obtain the status of 'EMDR trained' involves completion of Level One and Level Two EMDR training, alongside ten hours of consultation with an accredited EMDR consultant. 

The next level of EMDR training involves obtaining accreditation from the EMDR Association of Australia. In order for a therapist to obtain accreditation as an EMDR practitioner, they must meet all of the above basic training criteria, as well as:

1) Complete 50 sessions of EMDR therapy with clients

2) Complete an additional ten hours of consultation with an accredited EMDR consultant

3) Recording of a real EMDR session that meets competence requirements set by the EMDR Association of Australia and is approved by their accredited consultant

Helen and Brittany are both accredited by the EMDR Association of Australia, meaning they met the above criteria, demonstrating experience and competence in the use of EMDR. Helen is also an EMDR consultant!

When choosing an EMDR therapist, we encourage you to check the EMDRAA website to ensure your clinician is fully trained and accredited.

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